Course curriculum
- Welcome! A message from the instructor
Welcome to the course!
- Meet your teacher!
- Getting Started
- How to Use the Online Classroom
- Disclaimer
Weekend Schedule
- Weekend Schedule
Module 1: Anatomy and Physiology and Birth Culture
- Module 1: Anatomy and Physiology and Birth Culture
- TT Manual: Module One (Part 1)
- TT Manual: Module One (Part 2)
- Module One: Syllabus
- Vena Cava Syndrome
- Changes and Potential Issues of the Endocrine System
- Neck Muscles
- Chest and Shoulders
- Boney Pelvis
- 6 Directions of Hip Opening
- Hip and Deep Rotators
- Glutes, Hamstrings and Adductors
- The Psoas and the Iliacus
- Changes and Potential Issues of the Pelvis
- Muscles of the Pelvic Floor
- Hypertonic & Hypotonic Pelvic Floor
- Breathing, the Diaphragm and the Pelvic Floor
- Cueing the Pelvic Floor
- Abdominal Muscles
- 360 Breathing and the TA Muscles
- What is Diastasis?
- Muscle of the Back
- Changes and Potential Issues of the Back
- Podcast Library for Module One
- LGBT Inclusion In Prenatal Yoga with Jacoby Ballard
- Homework for Module One
- Slides from Live Session
- Quiz 1: Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
Module 2: Structuring Your Class
- Module 2: Structuring Your Class
- TT Manual: Module 2
- Module Two: Syllabus
- Class Structure
- PYC Template
- Wave Sequence
- Asanas to Do
- Mock Contraction
- Props
- Restorative Poses
- Pranayama
- Hand On Adjustments
- The 3 levels of the pelvis
- Baby's journey through the pelvis
- Explanation of Fetal Positions
- Why a tight pelvic floor can disrupt birth flow
- Poses to Avoid
- Sequencing
- Music
- Podcast Library for Module Two
- 1 hour Prenatal Yoga Class - Preparing the Pelvis
- 1 hour Prenatal Yoga Class
- 1 hour Prenatal Yoga Class - Happy Hips
- 1 hour Prenatal Yoga Class- Chest and Shoulder Opening
- Homework for Module Two
- Slides from Live Weekend
- Quiz 2: Structuring Your Class
Module 3: Birthing the Baby!
- Module 3: Birthing the Baby!
- TT Manual: Module 3
- Module Three: Syllabus
- Aches and Pains of Pregnancy Part I
- Aches and Pains of Pregnancy Part II
- Aches and Pains of Pregnancy Part III
- Childbirth Education Overview
- Stages of Labor
- Coping Skills
- Medical Interventions During Labor Part I
- Medical Interventions During Labor Part II
- Epidurals
- Cesareans
- Hormonal Blueprint of Labor
- The Importance of an undisturbed birth
- Active Relaxation Techniques
- 7 Tricks of the Trade
- 5 Questions to Ask Your Care Provider BEFORE Your Birth
- Podcast Library for Module Three
- Homework for Module Three
- BONUS VIDEO: Comforting Touch for Labor
- Slides from Live Weekend
- Quiz 3: Childbirth Education
Module 4: Postnatal Yoga
- Module 4: Postpartum
- TT Manual: Module Four
- Module Four: Syllabus
- 8 Parts of the Postnatal Class
- Podcast Library for Module Four
- Homework for Module Four
- Quiz 4: Postpartum
- BONUS VIDEO: The Business of Yoga with Mado Hesselink
Yoga Pose Library
- Trikonasana | Triangle
- Virabhadrasana I | Warrior 1
- Virabhadrasana II | Warrior 2
- Utthita Parsvakonasana | Extended Side Angle
- Parsvottanasana | Pyramid Pose
- Parivrtta Trikonasana | Rotated Triangle Pose
- Parivrtta Parsvakonasana | Rotated Extended Side Angle
- Anjaneyasana | Cresent Pose
- Low lunge
- High Lunge
- Lizard Pose
- Ardha Hanumanasana | Half Monkey Pose aka- half split
- ITB Stretch
- Side lunge
- Adductor Stretch
- Skandasana
- "Bob Fosse'
- Goddess Pose
- "Deb's Pyramid"
- "Seaweed-asana"
- Tadasana | Mountain pose
- Uttanasana | Standing Forward Fold
- Parivrtta Uttanasa | Rotated Standing Forward Fold
- Modified Natarajasana | Dancer's Pose
- "Standing Cobra"
- Standing Twist
- "Jazzercise" or "Jane Fonda"
- Vrikshasana | Tree Pose
- Standing Side Bend
- Calf Stretch
- The "Dangle"
- Utkatasana | Chair pose
- Dynamic Squat
- RDL Romanian Dead Lift
- Curtsy Lunge
- Lateral Lunge
- Hip CARs
- Ardha Chandrasana Leg Lifts
- Inner Thigh Strengthener
- Clamshell
- Reverse Clamshell
- Rocking Cat/Cow
- Body circles
- Balasana | Child's pose
- Puppy Pose
- Adho Mukha Svanasana | Downward Facing Dog
- Scapula/Serratus Pushups
- Half plank
- Side plank
- Half chaturanga
- Windshield Wiper
- Virasana | Hero's pose
- Ardha Virasana | Half Hero's pose
- Modified Bhardvajasana's Twist
- Screaming Toe
- Sukhasana | Easy Cross leg
- Sukhasana with Twist
- Sukhasana with Garuadasana (Eagle) Arms
- Tarasana | Star pose
- Baddha Konasana | Bound Angle pose
- Upavistha Konasana | Wide-Angled Seated Forward Bend
- Agnistambhasana | Ankle to Knee
- Ardha Matsyasana (Prenatal Version) | Lord of the fishes pose
- Parvritata Janusirasana | Rotated Head to Knee pose
- Eka Pada Rajakapotasana | Pigeon Prep
- Happy Baby
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana | Bridge Pose
- Ustrasana | Camel pose
- Modified Malasana | Squat
- Side Lying Savasana
- Matsyasana | Supported Fish Pose
- Constructive Rest
- Supta baddha Konasana | Reclined bound angle pose
Study Guide
- How to use this study guide
- Practice quizzes
Next steps
- Congratulations!